Welcome to the TIN 2023 website.
The inspiration for the TIN meeting came from Dr Sean McManus when he travelled south from Cairns to work at The Townsville Hospital. The inaugural meeting (TIN TIM) was held in 2013 and it's been going strong every two years since.
The TIN meeting is designed for clinicians from Cairns, Townsville, Mackay and Darwin. Speakers are sourced primarily from these hospitals but also attracts speakers from the less tropical climes of New Zealand and other parts of Australia. Previous meetings have been fortunate to host prominent clinicians such as A/Prof Bruce Lister, A/Prof Charlie Corke, Dr Brent McSharry and Dr Rob Bevan.
Each meeting has a designated theme to which, in keeping with the casual nature of the region, we do not rigidly adhere. This year the theme is: Same Same but Different: contradiction, bias and mimics in the ICU.
The venue alternates between a location near Townsville and Cairns. The 2023 meeting will be held at beautiful Mission Beach, lying slightly inequitably between Townsville and Cairns.
Contact the venue Castaways Resort & Spa directly to book accommodation.